Financial Services
Are you losing your market share to disruptors?

Are you struggling to innovate in an evolving economic landscape?

In the financial services sector, the revolutionary technologies of today are the bare necessities of tomorrow. 

Cloud technology, AI, chatbots, and live chat assistants are just some of the mechanisms that organisations need to deploy in order to build strong relationships with their customers, grow customer loyalty and create interest with new potential customers.

of UK adults cite better digital user experience as the main driver for switching banks.
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of banking executives believe Cloud technology will play a transformative role in banking.
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of respondents say mobile banking is their primary way to access accounts.
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of large Fintech companies consider AI to be one of the most important emerging technologies.
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What are the best technologies available?

In the financial services sector, self-service platforms can offer clients flexible and bespoke services such as prefunded tax relief, paperless applications, multiple investment pots and tailored investment dashboards.

Online portals and app services connect customers with your brand, keeping them up to date with the allocation of their assets and holdings. Through these single sign-on platforms, both customers and internal stakeholders are more interconnected than ever before. *

What role will AI play in the future of finance?

AI is already having a revolutionary impact on both the customer journey and how we do business.

Fast-evolving AI and other technologies are driving forces for digital disruption, so it is unsurprising that the digital human economy (DHE) is predicted to be a US$125 billion market by 2035.

Therefore, institutions need to be thinking about investing in AI-based technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and chatbots.

How can financial institutions protect themselves?

The solution is simple. To avoid losing your market share to disruptors, you must disrupt first, as there is no room for complacency in the digital era.

Did you know that user bounce rates go up by 38% if your platform takes five seconds to load, but increase by just 9% if it takes two seconds to load? Every second counts.

To ensure frequent and long-term customer engagement, institutions must meet the demand for innovative well-designed technology that delivers first-rate User Experience (UX).

Since 75% of users do not click past the first page of search results, improved SEO is also essential.

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