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What is Sprint Velocity – And How Can it Accelerate Your Enterprise?

In Agile, Sprint Velocity is the key metric in Scrum. It refers to the analysis of past workloads to calculate how much work can be done in future sprints.

Velocity is calculated at the end of the sprint by adding up the points for all completed User Stories or customer requirements.

With this prior knowledge, your business can plan future projects knowing how much work can be completed in the next sprint. This will help you to accurately allocate time and resources to complete the project.

Furthermore, Sprint Velocity estimates give customers and stakeholders a better idea of when they can expect the delivery of products and services.

This guide will cover the best ways to improve Sprint Velocity. The common denominator is that to move faster, you must make the effort now and “plant the seeds” to enable higher productivity in future sprints.

What is Sprint Velocity – And How Can it Accelerate Your Enterprise? Read More »